• Equip Torelló a la Barcelona Wine Week 2024

A Barcelona Wine Week, with very positive balance

Equip Torelló a la Barcelona Wine Week 2024 Just finished the first of the major international fairs of the year, the Barcelona Wine Week, with very positive balance. We welcomed in our stand dozens of visitors from many origins, among wine importers from all over the world, Spanish distributors and, of course, restaurants

  • Fires on ser

We’ll see you soon at the fairs!

Fires on serà present Torelló This 2024 Torelló Viticultors will participate at the next fairs: Barcelona Wine Week, 5th-7th February 2024 La Música del Vi, Barcelona, 4th March 2024 Prowein Dusseldorf, 10th-12th March 2024 Salón Gourmets, 22th-25th April 2024 Salón Peñín Best Wines Madrid November 2024 Hope to see you soon at the

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