Categories: News Torelló

Second Corpinnat Base Wine Tasting

Cartell de la segona edició del Tast de Vins Base Corpinnat

Cartell de la segona edició del Tast de Vins Base Corpinnat

The twelve wineries that make up the collective brand of sparkling wines CORPINNAT are organizing, on Sunday 4 February, the second and exclusive Base Wine Tasting (Vintage 2023).

The show will be held at the Avenida Palace Hotel and aims to present the base wines of the 2023 harvest (varietals and blends) of each brand, made in full to each cellar, as established by the regulations, and which will be used for the production of long-aging corpinnats. Each winery will also provide a finished and bottled corpinnat with its corresponding base wine from the 2023 vintage.

Tasting is open to the professional public as well as to fans and lovers of the world of wine, and tickets can be purchased at the price of €25.