
Torelló winegrowers and sustainability: launching a photovoltaic installation

Torelló winegrowers and sustainability: launching a photovoltaic installation

Instal·lació plaques fotovoltaiques a Torelló Viticultors

At Torelló we have believed in sustainability for some time and that is why we have been introducing, over the last few years, practices that move us further in this direction, as much in the cellar as on the Can Martí estate.

The latest novelty is that, since the last quarter of 2023, we will be producing electricity in balance with the environment, making use of solar energy through the installation of solar panels. The installation was put into operation in October to ensure that it will be fully operative for the Christmas campaign, a period of heavy electrical consumption in the cellar. The solar panels have a potential of 100kW and have been installed on the roofs of the buildings next to the cellar to get maximum exposure to the sun. The installation will let us generate a third of the energy consumed.

In the cellar, the use of renewable energy through these panels is joined to another sustainable installation, our own water-purifying plant that we have had for many years. We also selectively manage our waste and reduce energy consumption.

On the Can Martí Estate, of 135 hectares, we also follow the canons of sustainability through the practice of organic agriculture in the cultivation of the vines and olives since 2013 (certified since 2018). That is united to the installation of 10 nesting boxes for bees (in 2018) and refuges for bats (in 2018) which have a high ecological value and help to maintain the health of the ecosystem and biodiversity. We watch over the more than 10 different species of mammals, amphibians and reptiles that inhabit our estate, to ensure they live in the best possible conditions. And we look after the flora that surrounds us, it is our treasure.

Finally, at the beginning of 2023, Torelló received the Biosphere certification that accredits the international compromise that we accept to improve the sustainability of the planet.

Ultimately, sustainability is transformed into one of our priorities, and guarantees the equilibrium between economic growth, care of the environment and social welfare, without endangering the capacity of future generations.