• Fotografia d'un cep de garnatxa de la Finca Can Martí on es pot veure un ocell recent nascut dins del seu niu i un ou sencer.

A bird was born on a Garnacha vine at our estate

Last week, at the Pota Gros vineyard, while we were watching the evolution of the grapes, we discovered, between branches of a Grenache vine, a nest with an egg and a newborn bird. https://youtube.com/shorts/gJzBgeJGYQ8 Life makes its way in a vine of our vineyards and, in this sense, the organic farming that we practice plays

  • Fotografia d'una abella sobre un raïm negre

Bees enjoy living at the Can Martí estate

A bee on a grape Big surprise! We had at the vineyard Casablanch on our organic Can Martí estate, a swarm of bees had settled in a xarel·lo vine. Our beekeeper, Miquel, has gathered them and relocated them to the Bosquet where we have the rest of the bees. https://youtube.com/shorts/8avqWJkitkg Since 2018 we

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