El vi blanc D.O. Penedès de Torelló Blanc Tranquille compleix 70 anys At Torelló we have been making bottled white wine uninterruptedly since 1954 from vines on our Can Martí Estate in Gelida (Alt Penedès- Barcelona). Today, and after 70 harvests, this white wine is what we know as Blanc Tranquille, made for
Puntuaciones Torelló en la Guía Gourmets 2022 Diciembre 2021 Puntuaciones de entre 96 y 90 puntos para los cinco vinos presentados Torelló hemos vuelto a obtener unas estupendas puntuaciones en la última entrega de la Guía de Vinos Gourmets 2022 “Los Mejores de España”. Esta edición
The sparkling tribute to the company's founder The second vintage of the Torelló Collection, the 2010, is ready. This year was marked climatologically by a harvest that was late due to rain and low temperatures during the spring, which caused a slow and very balanced ripening. This Corpinnat sparkling wine is made from the traditional