Categories: News Torelló

The weeping and vineyards budbreaking at Can Martí estate

budbreaking of vines at Can Martí estate

budbreaking of vines at Can Martí estate

Before the end of winter, in February, the vines of the Can Martí estate experience one of their most magical moments, the weeping of the vines. The soil temperature begins to rise, root pressure increases, and the plant’s sap circulation begins to activate upwards. After the winter pruning, the sap begins to flow through the vine and drips down its branches to reach the wounds, to heal the scars. A poetic moment that announces the approach of spring.

A vine crying at Can Martí estate

A vine crying at Can Martí estate

And with spring, the vines come back to life. In February, the vines wept and the plant was reactivated after its winter lethargy. And now, between the months of March and April, budding begins. The vegetative cycle of the vines changes depending on the variety and the characteristics of the area. In our case, in some of the plots of xarel·lo and chardonnay, we can see the vines budding and in their maximum splendour. The landscape begins to turn green.